By Geneva Verdeja on Wednesday, Apr 18th, 2018
Category: Blog

7 Ways To Spring Clean For Extra Cash

When that first delightful spring breeze starts blowing, you know it’s time to get your house in shape. But there’s more than just a neat house awaiting you at the end of all that hard work. With just a few steps, you can put some extra cash in your wallet.

1.) Trade in your electronics 

Don’t throw out that digital camera or printer just yet! Gather all the old gadgets and devices you no longer use and bring them to your local electronics store. They’ll likely offer you a gift card for your treasures. Some larger chain stores run a retail-collection program to help you responsibly dispose of your old electronics.

2.) Get cash at the consignment store 

Your outdated clothing might be someone else’s idea of high fashion today. Bring your old clothing to a consignment shop to see what they’re willing to take. You can also look up local charities and organizations that accept clothing donatations, a great way to help out the community. Your donations may also be counted for tax deductions so keep the receipt they give you for donating.

3.) Trade in your video games 

If you’ve got a serious gamer at home who always needs the latest and greatest, consider trading in your old games at video game stores that offer used games for sale. You could get a store credit wile getting rid of that huge pile of video games!  

4.) Sell old books 

Books take up lots of room, and if no one’s reading them, why not get rid of them for good? Look up your closest Half Price Books locations and bring your collection over to them in exchange for cash.

Books are another good item to donate to charities, schools and some libraries. Many communities participate in the Little Free Library program that encourages people to swap out books at little wooden hutches located around town. Follow this link to find out where you can find Little Free Library’s near you.

5.) Sell your expensive electronics 

If you’ve got some older smartphones or laptops that are in decent condition, they should be able to fetch you a pretty penny. Try selling your stuff on They offer free shipping, and once your item is officially logged by the company, you’ll get paid via check, gift card, or PayPal.

6.) Get cash for unused gift cards 

Do you have a pile of gift cards you will never use? There are loads of sites that offer a gift-card exchange service, and though you may not make back the full amount, you’ll usually land a decent offer. Try your luck with your gift cards at or  to turn those unwanted gift cards to cash. 

7.) Donate to charity 

Donating unused clothing, toys, or electronics to charity might be the easiest way to get rid of clutter. You’ll be helping out a worthwhile cause and making someone else happy with your belongings. As an added bonus, donating goods to charity may earn you a tax deduction, so long as you keep your receipt. Thrift shop chains like Goodwill and the Salvation Army will  accept clothing that’s in decent condition, housewares, gently used furniture, toys, gadgets and more. And don't forget, Ideal Credit Union accepts new and gently used coat and winter accessory donations throughout the year in support of the annual Salvation Army Coats for Kids drive. 

Spring cleaning is a chore that’s gotta be tackled with lots of energy, time, and hard work. With a bit of extra planning, you may earn some cash in return.


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