All You Need to Know About Certificates

Two women looking at laptop computer

As an institution devoted to your financial wellness, Ideal CU offers several secure options for your savings. One of our most popular savings products is our certificates, commonly known as CDs. These accounts offer the best of both worlds when it comes to your savings. You’ll be giving your money a great chance at growth without subjecting it to the risks of investing in the stock market. Let’s take a closer look at how certificates work and why they might be a good choice for you.

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DIY Halloween Decor

Cindy painted pumpkin

Halloween is my absolute FAVORITE holiday of the year! As my family will attest, I go all out decorating for the "spooktacular" day at the end of October. But, as my family will also confirm, I am CHEAP when it comes to spending money. So imagine my delight in finding this great list of creative and cheap DIY Halloween decor ideas to turn your home into the spookiest haunt on the block.

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Can I Buy a House When I'm Paying Off a Student Loan?

Young couple looking at house

Q: Is it possible for me to buy a house while I’m still paying off my student loan?

A: Student loan debt that is managed responsibly should not hold you back from buying a house. There are several factors to consider before making this choice, as well as steps to take before you start house-hunting.
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Why You Should Finance Your Next Car Loan At Your Credit Union

Black man white car

When shopping for a new set of wheels, your first stop should be Ideal CU. While many people start at the dealer’s lot, you’ll enjoy a lower rate, a simpler loan application, and other big benefits when choosing to finance your car at your credit union.

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