Beware of Back-to-School Tuition Scams

tranquil woman reading book in park

Back-to-school season means a flurry of shopping — and a flurry of scams. Scammers know that students and their parents are caught up in a frenzy of preparations and errands and are, therefore, more likely to fall victim to schemes. As you get ready for school, look out for these scams targeting college students and parents of private school students that tend to peak before the start of the school year.

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10 Ways to Save on Back-to-School Shopping

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Did you know the average American parent will spend about $700 per child this shopping season? If that’s likely to throw a damper on your summer, take a deep breath and relax. You don’t need to spend yourself into debt just because everyone else seems to be doing it. Instead, take a proactive approach when shopping for the new school year and spend much less than the national average. Here are 10 ways to save on back-to-school shopping. 

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How to Save on Your First Set of College Textbooks

Female college student looking at text books

Buying every textbook you need for class can take a big bite out of your budget. According to the National Association of College Stores, the average college student spends upward of $80 on each new textbook and can sometimes drop as much as $175 on one volume. So how do you get the books you need while also keeping your budget intact? Read on for 6 ways to save on textbooks this semester.

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Foods That Improve Your Focus

College student studying

As a college student with dozens of courses to attend, papers to write and tests to cram for, your brain needs to be in full gear at all times. What happens, though, when you’re only 20 minutes into an intense study session and your brain is already fogging up? How can you boost your brain power when you need it most?

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