6 Financial Lessons You Can Learn from Basketball

Basketball player throwing ball toward basket

With March Madness coming up,  let’s review some financial lessons we can all learn from the iconic sport of basketball.

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Ideal CU Promotes Shari Rilley to VP of Reporting and Risk

Shari Rilley

(Woodbury, MN – February 20, 2019) Ideal Credit Union has announced the promotion of Shari Rilley to Vice President of Reporting and Risk. Rilley initially joined the Ideal team in 1990 and left in 1995 to pursue another opportunity. She returned to the credit union in 2003 and has over 21 years of experience in the financial services industry. Prior to her promotion she served as Director of Data Intelligence and Risk. In her new position, Rilley will lead the credit union’s efforts in regards to credit union reporting (both branch and financial reporting), support and management of the credit union’s data warehouse, and support and management of various credit union risk management functions.

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