Beware of Emergency Scams

Grandchild with grandmother looking at cell phone

If you get a call from a grandchild claiming he or she is facing some kind of emergency, and then find yourself talking to someone claiming to be law enforcement telling you to wire money or use a prepaid debit card to send funds, don't do it! It might very well be a scam! Family emergency scams are especially nefarious since they take advantage of the natural affection a grandparent has for a grandchild. Here's how to identify an emergency scam and what to do if you've been victimized.

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Scam Alert - Beware of One-Ring Calls

Woman holding baby while on her cell phone

It's inevitable:Your phone will ALWAYS ring when you set it down to bring something upstairs or the other side of the house. You leap over furniture, pets and toys to grab it, only the find the caller has already hung up - after just one ring. You thumb through the Caller ID, poised to give your mysterious caller a call back when you note the strange area code. Should you, or shouldn’t you, make this call?

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8 Ways to Spot a Home Improvement Scam

Legs coming through ceiling undergoing repair

If you’re hiring a contractor to make improvements on your home, be alert! Home improvement scams are more common than you may think, and they can cost you a lot. Read on for 8 ways to spot a home improvement scam.

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5 Scams To Watch For After The Holidays

man on laptop computer looking worried

The mad holiday rush may be over, but scammers aren’t slowing down. Protect yourself from these five common scams that happen this time of year.

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