10 Things To Do Before Your Summer Getaway

Summer vacation items sitting by car

Heading out of town for vacation? Whatever your plans, here’s a list of things to take care of before you leave.

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How to Enjoy a Busy Wedding Season Without Going Broke

people celebrating bride and groom at wedding

Celebrating your friend’s new marriage is great fun, but all those wedding invites can put a strain on your budget. According to research by Express Spending & Saving Tracker, the average wedding guest is out $673 for each wedding they attend. The good news is you don’t need to go into debt to attend. Here's a few hacks to help you celebrate in style—and within budget.

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6 Ways to Save on Summer Vacation

Family packing for vaction

Ah summer - the magical season we dream about all winter is just about here! For many, that means VACATION time (yay)!!! It also means it can get a bit spendy depending on where you want to go and what you want to do. Read on for 6 ways to save.

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Recordkeeping Tips for Business Owners

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Keeping good records is an important part of running a successful business. This applies to all businesses, whether you have a couple dozen employees or just a few. Here are some questions and answers from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to help business owners understand the ins and outs of good recordkeeping.

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