Can I Buy a House When I'm Paying Off a Student Loan?

Young couple looking at house

Q: Is it possible for me to buy a house while I’m still paying off my student loan?

A: Student loan debt that is managed responsibly should not hold you back from buying a house. There are several factors to consider before making this choice, as well as steps to take before you start house-hunting.
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Why You Should Finance Your Next Car Loan At Your Credit Union

Black man white car

When shopping for a new set of wheels, your first stop should be Ideal CU. While many people start at the dealer’s lot, you’ll enjoy a lower rate, a simpler loan application, and other big benefits when choosing to finance your car at your credit union.

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How Much Money Should I Keep In My Checking Account?

Woman taking cask out of wallet
Most of us use our checking accounts on a daily basis. Every swipe of a debit card, every bill we pay and every personal check we write takes money out of our checking account. But, how much money should we be keeping in these super-convenient accounts? Let’s find out:
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How to Save on Your First Set of College Textbooks

Female college student looking at text books

Buying every textbook you need for class can take a big bite out of your budget. According to the National Association of College Stores, the average college student spends upward of $80 on each new textbook and can sometimes drop as much as $175 on one volume. So how do you get the books you need while also keeping your budget intact? Read on for 6 ways to save on textbooks this semester.

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