
Muhammad Ali. Prince. Bretagne, the 9/11 search dog. We’ve lost quite a few heroes lately, which got me to thinking, what does it mean to be a hero? How does one become a hero? Who is your hero?

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The rewards of volunteering

The rewards of volunteering

Volunteer work is one of the most satisfying things you can do in life. I can guarantee that if you look around, there are countless opportunities for you to help others or you community.   It’s also one of my personal favorite activities to engage in!

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Adventures in composting

Adventures in composting

I have always considered myself somewhat of an environmentalist. My inspiration started back in 1970, when I took part in the very first Earth Day and learned the importance of recycling and taking care of the planet. I am proud to report my family does an excellent job recycling items that can be repurposed and given new life. Then there’s the rest of it that ends up in the kitchen-size garbage bag for weekly delivery to the local landfill.

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Best Ways to Save on Summer Vacation

With school letting out and sultry summer days ahead, it's time to start thinking vacation. Because it's a supply-and-demand world, you'll likely be up against higher airfare, hotel costs and car rental rates. But here are some tips to help keep things affordable.

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