Simple Steps to Start Saving

man and woman looking at computer

If you’re ready to start saving but you don’t know where to begin, Ideal CU can help.

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The Importance of Being Financially Fit

couple sitting at table looking at documents

Being financially fit is crucial for a well-balanced, stress-free life. Here’s why (and how):

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  1973 Hits

5 Ways to Trim Your Fixed Expenses

Monthly budget with eye glasses, pen and calculator

When trying to trim a monthly budget, most people don’t even consider their fixed expenses; however, with just a bit of effort and research, most of these costs can be reduced. Here are five ways to trim your fixed expenses.

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How to Create a Budget in 6 Easy Steps

Woman sitting at computer looking at receipts

If you’re always wondering how you’re going to pay the next bill, feel guilty when you indulge in overpriced treats and you just can’t find money to put into savings, you might need a budget. A budget is not a magic potion that will automatically solve all of your money problems, but it will help you gain financial awareness. That, in turn, will help facilitate more responsible decisions. Here are 6 easy steps to create a budget.

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