Scam Alert - Beware of One-Ring Calls

Woman holding baby while on her cell phone

It's inevitable:Your phone will ALWAYS ring when you set it down to bring something upstairs or the other side of the house. You leap over furniture, pets and toys to grab it, only the find the caller has already hung up - after just one ring. You thumb through the Caller ID, poised to give your mysterious caller a call back when you note the strange area code. Should you, or shouldn’t you, make this call?

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5 Scams To Watch For After The Holidays

man on laptop computer looking worried

The mad holiday rush may be over, but scammers aren’t slowing down. Protect yourself from these five common scams that happen this time of year.

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7 Naughty Scams To Watch Out For This Holiday Season

Two women with worried looks viewing laptop computer

‘Tis the season to be jolly! And unfortunately, ‘tis also the season for scammers to go after your hard-earned dollars. Keep your money safe by reading up on the most common scams taking place this time of year and practicing caution.

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Debit Card Safety

How do you pay for your purchases? It may be instinct to pull out any piece of plastic without thinking, but your random card of choice might not be the safest way to pay. Here’s where you may not want to use your debit card: 

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