Why You Should Finance Your Next Car Loan At Your Credit Union

Black man white car

When shopping for a new set of wheels, your first stop should be Ideal CU. While many people start at the dealer’s lot, you’ll enjoy a lower rate, a simpler loan application, and other big benefits when choosing to finance your car at your credit union.

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Ideal Credit Union’s Popular ‘Ideal Wheels’ Photo Contest Returns for 2019


Smiling woman pointing to her new vehicle

(Woodbury, MN – February 15, 2019) – Ideal Credit Union’s popular “Ideal Wheels” photo contest is back for another prime car buying season. This contest is open to members who own a vehicle that is presently financed, or has been financed in the past, with Ideal CU. A total of three winners will be chosen at random to receive a $50 gas card during the promotion period, which runs from February 15 to May 15, 2019.

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