How to Beat the Post-Holiday Blues - It Doesn't Need to Cost a Thing!

Tired Man

The visitors have returned home, the leftovers in the fridge have been tossed, the kids are back in school and you have work first thing Monday morning. After the excitement of the holidays, the return to normal can make even the jolliest of folks a little depressed. 

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New Year, New Money Habits: How to Stick With It in 2022

2022 Balloons

If you’re like most people, you likely start each year with a list of resolutions to help you improve various aspects of your life. The list may include resolutions to help you become more physically fit, further your career growth, and improve your personal relationships. Another category of resolutions you may make centers on those that affect your finances. 

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It's February – Still Working on those Resolutions?

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It's February. Are you still working on those New Year's resolutions you were so determined to keep? If you're like most people, you have already given up on trying to exercise more or eat better. I see so many of my family and friends set themselves up to fail by making unrealistic and unattainable resolutions. Then sure enough, come February 1, they have given up. No one likes to fail - it's hard on the spirit and ego.

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6 New Year's Resolutions for a Financially Improved You!

2019 New Year's Resolutions written on post-it note

Okay, I admit it! I am one of those people who like to make New Year's resolutions, only to see if I can actually accomplish my goals. Of course, I try not to set the bar too high so they are achieveable. So imagine my delight when I came across these 6 easy steps for a financially improved me (and you!) in 2019.

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