Don't Get Caught in a Romance Scam

Heart in a mouse trap

Love is in the air, and that means scammers are out in full force trying to con love-seekers into giving up their hearts — and their money — for a love interest who doesn’t actually exist.

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How to Recognize and Protect Yourself from Scams


Here at Ideal CU, our biggest priority is your financial wellness. To help keep you safe, we’ve made this guide about recognizing and protecting yourself from scams.

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All You Need to Know About Facebook’s Latest Bug

Young woman on cell phone

Last month, Facebook announced that its internal team found a photo API bug in the social media platform which may have exposed the unshared photos of 6.8 million users. Read on for all you need to know about the recent Facebook bug. 

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How to Create and Keep Strong Passwords

Your passwords are the keys to your life. And when it feels like there’s another big security breach every week, you want to be sure those passwords are strong and safe. Follow the 6 steps below for super-strong passwords that will keep scammers guessing. 

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