Geneva is the Marketing & Events Coordinator at Ideal Credit Union. She has been an employee for Ideal CU for more than 20 years. Her key role is to connect with members in the community about Ideal CU through different platforms.

Some of Geneva’s hobbies include finding recipesand testing them out for her family, watching her three children play ALL the sports, and of course binge watching her favorite shows.

Tips for Parents of Boomerang Kids

Your adult child has finished school and is now starting a new life — at home. According to a Pew Research Center survey, over half of parents in the U.S. with adult children say they helped their adult kids financially in the previous year. Some of that help came in the form of letting their kids move back home. If you’ll be welcoming a “boomerang” child, here are some tips to know.

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World Champions – now what?

My Denver Broncos won the Super Bowl on February 7. I have been a diehard Broncos fan since they signed Peyton Manning back in 2012. I have a wealth of orange and blue Broncos collateral throughout my house, including a Peyton Manning shrine in the middle of my living room. You might say I bleed orange during football season and everyone within earshot knows if they are having a good game or have had better days.

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5 Common Mistakes to Avoid on Your Tax Return

Rushing to file your tax return increases the chances of error, which can delay your refund, trigger an audit or cause you to have to pay more later. Here are some of the most common tax mistakes to avoid.

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How being in control of your credit can save you thousands

Credit and credit scores is one of those areas many people ignore or don’t think about until it is too late. Several of my peers will tell me about credit card debt they have accumulated in college, but what many of them don’t know is exactly how much that hurts you and any co-signer’s credit in the long run. For parents or guardians who co-sign on their student’s credit cards or loans, or students who currently have credit, it’s tremendously important to know the following facts.

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