Stay Fit While Staying at Home With Household Chores

woman cleaning windows

Gyms are closed and you may be stuck in the house all day without much to do. Outdoor exercise may be limited, too, to allow for social distancing. These factors can create the perfect recipe for letting your fitness commitments slide and slowly turning into a couch potato. Lucky for you, you don’t need the gym or a jog around the block to keep fit. All you need is a list of household chores to tackle.  Let’s whip your muscles — and your house — into shape!

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  1966 Hits

Brown-Bag It & Save $

PBJ sandwich

How much money do you spend each week for work lunches? Do you run to the fast food drive-thru or meet a friend or colleague for a sit-down lunch a few days a week? When you do the math on these occasional outings, the numbers may shock you. But, for just a few dollars and several minutes of your time, you can prepare something delicious at home. 

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  2937 Hits