Auto Rates
Auto Rates
Rates as of:
2021 and newer** | APR as low as* |
Up to 36 months | 5.39% |
Up to 48 months | 5.54% |
Up to 60 months | 5.84% |
Up to 72 months | 6.04% |
Up to 84 months (must be 2021 or newer**) | 6.49% |
2020 and older | APR as low as* |
Up to 36 months | 6.04% |
Up to 48 months | 6.19% |
Up to 60 months | 6.49% |
Up to 72 months | 6.59% |
*APR = Annual Percentage Rate. Quoted APR is best available rate for model years 2021 and newer for a 36 month term; rate may be higher depending on factors such as credit history, repayment term selected, amount financed and mileage of vehicle. Higher rates are available for terms to 84 months. Example of payment, pay $30.15 per month per $1,000 borrowed for 36 months at 5.39% APR. Rates are subject to change at any time. **Actual rates based on applicant's payment and credit history. To be eligible for an 84 month term, vehicle must be 2021 or newer and minimum loan amount must be $30,000. LTV restrictions may apply. |
Rec Vehicle Rates
Titled Units: Boats, RVs^, Travel Trailers, Motorcycles†
Rates as of:
Amount | Term | APR* as low as |
$2,500 Minimum | Up to 60 months | 7.14% |
$15,000 Minimum | Up to 84 months | 7.64% |
$25,000 Minimum | Up to 10 years | 7.74% |
$30,000 Minimum | Up to 15 years | 7.84% |
*APR = Annual Percentage Rate. **Actual rate based on applicant's payment and credit history. Example of Payment Terms: Rec vehicle loan with 7.14% APR for a 36-month term would make a payment of $30.95 per $1,000 borrowed. ^Excluding Park Models. |
Untitled Units: ATVs, UTVs, Snowmobiles, Personal Watercrafts
Rates as of:
Amount | Term | APR* as low as |
$5,00 Minimum | Up to 60 months | 8.04% |
$15,000 Minimum | Up to 84 months | 8.84% |
$25,000 Minimum | Up to 120 months | 8.94% |
*APR = Annual Percentage Rate **Actual rate based on applicant's payment and credit history. Example of Payment Terms: Rec vehicle loan with 8.04% APR for a 36-month term would make a monthly payment of $31.36 per $1,000 borrowed. |